Intra Constructor about | Intra Lighting






Intra Constructor

Nasveti, triki in nove funkcije
Podrite svoj hitrostni rekord!

Saj poznate teorijo, da nič ne potuje hitreje od svetlobe? No, zdaj lahko mirno rečete, da boste svoj svetlobni sistem zgradili s svetlobno hitrostjo Intre.


To vam mogoča eno in edino orodje – naš Intra Configurator. Nobeno drugo orodje vas do kode izdelka ne pripelje v krajšem času. 

Nam ne verjamete?    Prepričajte se!







PRO Optics
Brings out colour and creates
contrast in the ambient.
Learn more about active cooling
Intra Constructor
is upgraded and unified with the catalogue Intra 30
It includes all the models, parts, and accessories you need to create and install your perfect lighting system. It allows you to simply choose from different options and once the system is finalized, you get a list of all the components.
It helps you define the power-in position, calculates the maximum module length for air freight packaging and also shows you the price of the lighting system … 
See the video tutorial and you'll find out that Intra Constructor is essential for your work.





PRO Optics
Brings out colour and creates
contrast in the ambient.
Learn more about active cooling
Vstavite dispozicijo projekta
Nova funkcija omogoča postavitev vašega sistema razsvetljave direktno v arhitekturni načrt. Pomislite, samo z enim klikom ga prilagodite na ustrezno velikost. Pripravno, ne?
Projekt lahko povečate ali pomanjšate, spremenite velikost slike, jo zavrtite ali naredite povsem transparentno … Oglejte si video, ki prikazuje, kaj vse lahko z njim počnete.





PRO Optics
Brings out colour and creates
contrast in the ambient.
Learn more about active cooling
Kako uporabljati Intra Constructor
Poglejte si video, ki prikazuje, kako uporabljati Intra Constructor.
Prenesi video (približno 100 MB)